Totoro Wilton Benitez

Specialty green coffee lot: Pacamara Washed

Totoro is a chubby, big and friendly being that reminds us of Pacamara beans.

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Specialty green coffee lot: Pacamara Washed

Totoro is a chubby, big and friendly being that reminds us of Pacamara beans.

Price Log in
Cultivar Pacamara
Minimum order 1 bags
SCA Cupping Score Log in
Processing Washed
Bag Size 24 Kg (One 24kg box with two vacuum bags of 12kg)
Packaging Vacuum
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Region Cauca
Estimated arrival 30 Jun, 2025
Processing Washed
Notes Fruity
Farming Renewable EnergyWater Recycling
Cultivar Pacamara
Altitude 1960 masl
Bag Size 24 (One 24kg box with two vacuum bags of 12kg)
Packaging Vacuum
Drying Mechanical drying
  • Get to know who, how and where the coffee that you will sell to your clients is produced. Each coffee goes through a unique process, many times engineered by the producer herself. Acquire the coffee in a direct and consistent manner and praise the value created at the farm.
  • Buying without the unnecessary intermediaries allows the producer to obtain better prices. This helps generate better jobs and more prosperous rural communities.
  • When you buy pre-harvest you allow the producer to produce on demand at an agreed price. This is the most powerful way to motivate investment in quality. In addition, you indirectly support producers to get financing at a lower cost.
  • Support producers who strive for implementing environmentally friendly cultivation practices. It requires a lot of effort and higher costs to protect the environment and put in practice cleaner ways of farming. Support a more environmentally sustainable industry and communicate this to your customers.
  • Specially crafted coffee is not easily available as the big chunk of volume is pulled by commercial coffee, which is often institutionally protected. Therefore, buying crafted coffee is a great option to reward those risk-taking, innovative and revolutionary producers that are committed to conscious and quality consumption.
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You must be logged in order to visualize the details of this coffee.

Terroir: Cauca

The Cauca region is the cradle of the Colombian massif, which is the source of most of Colombia's major rivers such as the Cauca and Magdalena. Cauca is closer to the equator, receives the most hours of sunshine throughout the year, has a stable climate throughout the year and the farms enjoy the protection of the high mountains from the winds and humidity that comes from the Pacific.

However, it is worth remembering that unlike other regions where the temperature does not drop too much at night, in the case of Cauca, there are often low temperatures that can be considered adverse for the coffee tree but at the same time slows down the ripening of the coffee cherry and therefore accumulates more sugars and compounds that enhance its acidity and sweet and fruity notes.

Similarly, the interaction of the sugar with the sulphur from the volcanic soils originating from the presence of the Puracé and Sotará volcanoes influences the caramel aroma that characterises the coffees of this region, which can generally be described as having a strong, caramel aroma, with notes of chocolate, caramel, apple and honey. Bright, high acidity in the cup, medium body with a balanced, smooth and clean overall impression.

In Cauca, it is very common to find micro-lots and nano-lots with very particular processing characteristics and cup profile. The mountainous and heterogeneous character of the area means that the coffee produced in different places and at different times of the year has different characteristics.

Cultivar: Pacamara

Pacamara coffee is a coffee varietal that was originally created by crossing Pacas and Maragogype varietals. Pacamara was first produced in El Salvador at the Salvadoran Institute for Coffee Research in 1958. Having gained a respectable reputation, Pacamara coffee is now grown in a number of different Central American countries.

Pacamara coffee has an esteemed reputation, quite simply, because it tastes really good. You can expect a Pacamara coffee to be something like this: powerful aroma, good and creamy body, complex and vibrant acidity.

Pacamara plants inherit the dwarfism gene from the Pacas varietal, and the large bean size from Maragogype.  As a result of this, Pacamara plants are more dense and compact in stature. This makes them more wind resistant than Maragogype plants. The plants can therefore be grown closer together and on steep slopes. These qualities are ideal for growth at optimally high altitudes.

These factors leads to a higher productivity relative to Maragogype plants. Pacamara plants also produce larger, more desirable beans than Pacas plants. This is associated with a more developed and higher quality taste profile.

Approximate farm location

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